Monday October 21, 2024: Today on Young and Restless, Jill declines Nikki’s offer, while Abby attempts to pry wedding details from Victor. Meanwhile, Victor confides in Adam, explaining his reasons for targeting Jack.
Devon and Abby grab coffee at Crimson Lights after sampling wedding cakes. Devon lets Abby take the lead in choosing the final one.
Nate arrives and inquires about the wedding location. Devon and Abby explain that it’s being kept a secret and will be a surprise for them, too. Nate expresses doubts about trusting her father, leaving Abby curious.
When she questions him, Nate brushes it off, calling Victor a man of mystery. Abby kisses Devon before heading out.
Nate wonders if she’ll be pissed when she finds out what her dad did to her future sister-in-law.
Devon hasn’t filled her in about what happened with Lily yet. He will let Victor knows how he feels about it after the wedding.
Lily is still refusing to accept she’s lost. They agree that Billy and Victor deserve to go down.
Devon doesn’t think it’s a fight worth fighting. They just need to protect their family and that means convincing Lily to drop this and return to work with them.
When Adam arrives in his father’s office, Victor admires the article he published trashing Billy.
He asks his son to pour them a drink while he explains why he’s going after Jack.
He’s doing it to protect his family after what he did to Nikki. Adam reminds him that Jack was just trying to save her.Victor says he almost killed the love of his life with a stupid stunt. Wouldn’t Adam want someone to pay if they did that to Sally?
Adam explains that he and Sally are no longer together. “What did she do now?” he asks.